Saturday, September 23, 2006


In my searching the net, I came across an article about the increase of lawsuits and liabilities involving mountain biking. Many facilities offering riding areas for bikers are coming under increase risk of lawsuits stemming from accidents that happen on their premises. I never considered my accidents that caused broken bones, stitches, missing chunks of missing flesh, and numerous bruises; could ever be a cash windfall. I thought that my many accidents were exactly that, accidents. It is sad that lawsuits are threatening yet another industry. With some forward thinking, many facilities can prevent a lawsuit from financially ruining them.

I have wanted to pursue an indoor bike track for winter riding. Outside of the initial startup costs, liability has been an area that I saw as a stumbling block. Starting an indoor track would involve a great deal of money and time. It could all be taken away with the first paying riding having a terrible accident. Even if you were to win the case, you still have the costs of defending yourself. The International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) has put forth some sage advice on their website for protecting the bike track owner. They cite the properly worded waiver as a means of protection.

Lawsuit Article
IMBA Bike Libility Primer


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