share the road!

No matter if you are a road or a trail rider, there is always a respect among bike riders. The trail riders always feel something for a road biker that has accident with a car.
I originally started out as a road rider, but after a serious collision with a van that left me in the middle of Broadway with a concussion I opted for the trails. I felt that would keep me safe from the cars. I just then run ins with trees that left me with a broken bone in my hand and several stitches in my leg, so much for remaining safe. There are times the trails are too muddy to ride, so I bring out the old road bike and go for a ride. I am right back out with the cars. No matter how many “Share the Road” signs the state, county, and city install, there will be drivers who completely ignore them.
An employee at AEP was killed one morning by a driver that said she never saw him as she drove right over the top of him. He left a wife and children behind. He received his grades in the mail from IPFW that confirmed his graduation in May. Every year the city uses a photo of Bob on billboards to make driver aware of bike cyclists on the streets.
Sorry for deviating from the topic business and bikes, but I thought this was worth a blog entry.
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