local bikes shop vs. web

The web has been a god send for the small bike manufacturer. Many of these small startup companies do not have the Interbike avenue to all of the local bike shops. The web has allowed them to display their bikes for the whole world to see.
Before the web, the small bike manufacturer could quickly be run out of the business due to the lack of sales. They could carve a small niche in their area, but would lack the sales necessary to allow them to grow and modernize their production.
As the web has allowed many small cottage industries to flourish, the small bike manufacturer sector has seen a big increase in the number of participants. The high dollar frames that a local bike shop could not afford to carry are now in stock for anyone with a web connection and the funds to purchase it.
The amalgamation of biking and the web is perfect for the biggest group that enjoys both. The gen x, the gen y and the gen next are the biggest users of mountain biking and web surfers. This group of riders is not fearful of the web; in fact, they are more willing to use the web for shopping than to go to the store.
The local bike shop is quickly becoming replaced by the web bike shop. They can offer deeper discounts and more of a selection. Many offer free shipping on higher dollar orders and they do not collect taxes where they do have a physical store. I have purchased many components from this type of bike store. The biggest thing this type of store lacks is personal service. When something brakes, there is no one to help you. It is up to find someone to fix or resort to buying another part, but you are still with a bike when this happens. My local bike shop, Trail House at Winona Lake, is always willing to give me a loaner part until mine is fixed or replaced.
I play a balancing act between buying the cheapest parts and giving enough business to the local bike shop to get their excellent service.
Some web bike shops:
Price Point
Bike manufacturers:
Fetish Cycles
Santa Cruz
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