Where to buy...
There are so many different complete bikes, frames, and components to choose from. For the novice rider it can be so overwhelming. So much so, it could lead someone to not buy a bike at all. A bike manufacture needs to get their name out to the public. One source is the local bike shop (lbs), another is through large sporting good stores, and another is the internet. For the consumer, the lbs is the best place to find a bike and someone that can do routine maintenance. The lbs can be an intimidating domain. The lbs is typically a place for many seasoned riders to hang out and speak in a lingo that few understand. This can possibly turn the novice rider away. If the consumer can overcome this fear and enter the lbs, he or she will find people more than willing to help. Once a rapport is built between the consumer and the lbs, the consumer will be willing to trust and move to the higher end bikes and parts. This is where the bike manufacturer needs to have developed a good rapport with the lbs owners.